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Marijuana Caused Infertility

Heavy marijuana use by either women or men decreases the chance of a couple conceiving a child.

Marijuana Alters Hormone Levels


Heavy marijuana usage in men is associated with an increase in endogenous estrogen levels at the expense of testosterone (which can also cause enlarged male breasts by the way) which negatively affects sperm counts and sperm activity and effectiveness.

About 50%

Studies of heavy marijuana smoking men show that they produce roughly half the amount of seminal fluid when compared with non smoking men, and in this decreased quantity of seminal fluid are a significantly reduced number of active sperm.

It has the effect of lowering fertility levels significantly. Men who boast a very high sperm count will still be capable of conceiving children, but any man with an average or below average count is going to be pushing his sperm count down into the infertile region.

Tired-out Sperm

The sperm are not only delivered in a lesser quantity, the marijuana stimulated sperm also react differently, and after ejaculation start swimming far too quickly towards the ova on their multi hour journey. They approach a marathon like a sprint, and by the time they reach the ova, they are too fatigues and lethargic to push through the wall of the ovum they are too weakened to push through the wall and begin conception.

Women Shouldn’t Smoke Either

But it's not only male smokers who reduce the chances of procreation. When a women smokes marijuana, the THC lingers in the reproductive system, and has the same hyperactivity and fatigue affect on delivered sperm, even if the man is a non smoker.

Men who stop smoking marijuana will gradually over a period of several months return to a baseline state of fertility.

Couples who use marijuana and suffer difficulties in conceiving children are strongly advised to eliminate fertility harmful marijuana consumption.

Women who smoke marijuana can also alter their hormonal chemical levels, decreasing the odds of successful implantation in the womb.

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