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Problem Gambling Self Tests

Are you worried about how much you’re gambling and wonder if you might have a problem - or has someone who cares about you expressed concern about your gambling habits?

Well, firstly, if you think you’re fine but someone you love thinks you have a problem, you’d be wise to take their concerns seriously – since denial is such a hallmark of the early stages of a gambling problem, loved ones are often the first ones to diagnose the problem.1

Take this 5 question test developed by the Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and find out if you meet the criteria for problem gambling

Problem Gambling Self Test

  1. Within the last year, have you ever gambled more than you intended on?
  2. Within the last year have you ever told anyone that you were winning money when you weren’t?
  3. Within the last year have you ever felt guilty about your gambling or the consequences of your gambling?
  4. Within the last year has anyone ever criticized you for your gambling?
  5. Within the last year have you had arguments about the money you spend on gambling? 2

Answering yes to 2 or more questions indicates a possible gambling problem that warrants a referral to a gambling treatment program.

The Lie Bet Test

Want to try another self screen? This one is called the lie-bet test and screening tests don’t get much easier than this. Ask yourself the following 2 questions and if you answer yes to either, then you may have a gambling problem.

  1. Have you ever felt the need to bet more and more money?
  2. Have you ever had to lie to people important to you about how much you gambled?3

This test is used to quickly rule out pathological gambling behaviors in a clinical environment. Should a person answer yes to either of the questions in the lie-bet test, healthcare workers are instructed to refer the client to a gambling treatment program for further evaluation and treatment if necessary.

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