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Getting a life

  • anonymous Asks ...

    I am addicted to slot machines. I crave that in the zone feeling. How can I get that same feeling without gambling?

  • Jill Edwards Says ...
    Jill Edwards

    I am addicted to slot machines. I crave that in the zone feeling. How can I get that same feeling without gambling? Real excitement comes from living an engaged life and it rises and falls naturally. Clearly you have a craving for the chemical results of being strongly aroused by the risks and excitements of gambling.

    Gambling is a complicated process, but you should look clearly at the risks first. It may be that you can get that same feeling by bungy jumping or using various forms of drug high, but it could be that there is a hidden issue around success and failure. I would advise you to get help soon. You will save yourself a lot more money than you can make from slot machines.

    You need to turn your life round in different areas so that you can do the things you really want to do, to have the life that is really your. I promise it will be better than the slot machine can promise. Please get help, get it soon and save your life for you.

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