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Making Friends/Social Stuff

  • anonymous Asks ...

    Can therapy teach me how to make friends? I am very alone in my life and I am tired of watching everyone else at work go out and have fun together and not invite me. I want to go with them but it is like I don't know how to make it happen and I think they think I do not like them even though this is not true. I have come to the conclusion that friends on internet forums aren't much of a substitute for real people in the same room.

  • Dr. Maria Rothenburger Says ...
    Dr. Maria Rothenburger

    Yes!  Therapy can absolutely help you learn how to make friends!  You're right about cyber friends; somehow chatting it up or hanging out with a live person is more socially satisfying and less isolating.  I wish you well.  And I wish you a LOT of IRL friends who invite you out on a regular basis.

    Be well,


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