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Sit a Vipassana Course and then serve...

  • anonymous Asks ...

    I am sitting in my car right now parked in front of a liquor store. I am trying to stop myself from going in but who am I kidding really now that I am here. I wish there was some way I could get banned from drinking alcohol like I have banned myself from the casinos.

    Off to get vodka now.

    Ok back now. Time for maybe a little sip from the bottle before I go home.

    This is fucked up. I know I can’t control myself at all. I need to go somewhere where I won’t be able to get alcohol or drugs and I need to go there for a long time, like years long. Know of anywhere like that, for a person who doesn’t have more than a couple thousand in the bank?

  • Scott Graham Says ...
    Scott Graham

    Someplace you can go for a while that is drug and alcohol free?  I would suggest you go someplace and detox.  Than sit a vipassana course (10 days long).  Once that is over, volunteer to serve the next course.  Then once that is over sit a vipassana course.

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