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28 day Rehab

  • anonymous Asks ...

    For privacy reasons I would prefer not to have an insurance record of my drug addiction treatment. I would like a 28 day rehab program. I do not need anything fancy but I would like quality care and I would like to get into a program within a couple of weeks to coincide with downtime at work (so no waiting lists). What is the minimum I should expect to pay for this. Is $8000 going to be enough to find what I need? Can you recommend any programs, preferably in California but nearby states are also OK?

  • Katie Brooks Says ...
    Katie Brooks


    Historically 28 day programs are cheaper than 90 day, so you should be fine with $8000. Due to the lack of knowledge that I have about your addiction/ condition, I am not able refer you to a specific facility.  However, you can inquire about program at www.rehab.com.

    Another great way to find resources is to dial 211.  Good Luck!

    Here are two that I personally refer to:

    Sharp McDonald Center 
    7989 Linda Vista Road
    San Diego, CA 92111
    1-800-734-3477  (flexible night programs)

    Sharp Mesa Vista
    7850 Vista Hill Ave.
    San Diego, CA 92123

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