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UK Alcohol Abuse

Britons on Holiday Like Sun, Fun and Booze - Downing More Than 20 Units of Alcohol Per Day While on Vacation!

British Tourists Drink More Than 20 Units of Alcohol Per Day
© Photo Credit: Yiping
A public health survey reveals that the average Briton consumes more than 20 units of alcohol a day while on summer holiday.

Under the "Know Your Limits" campaign, the British Department of Health surveyed 3,500 adults about their summer holiday drinking habits and found that while away for a bit of fun and sun, British like a bit of drink as well – an average of 8 large drinks per day per person, which equates to about 20 units of alcohol per person per day.

The National Health Service (NHS) advises that men consume no more than 3 or 4 units of alcohol per day (about 2 pints of beer) and that women drink only 2 or 3 units daily, about 1 large glass of wine.

The CEO of the public alcohol charity, Drinkaware, Chris Sorek, commented on the survey results, saying, "Aside from feeling hungover, the short-term consequences of over-indulging include dehydration, low mood and weight gain, as well as ending up in potentially risky situations." He also admonished heavy holiday drinkers about the risks of heavy drinking, saying, "Whether on holiday or back at home, habitually drinking more than is recommended can also lead to major health conditions like liver disease and cancer."

Gillian Merron, British Public Health Minster, empathized with people who cut loose on holiday, but called for people to make a return to health drinking habits, calling "September the new January."

Please, visit the British Department of Health's online drink check calculator if in doubt about your unit consumption.

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