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Teen Drug and Alcohol Use

CDC’s National Survey of High School Students Provides Snapshot of Teen Alcohol and Drug Use

Most high school kids drink alcohol, almost half drank within a month of being asked; and almost a quarter of high school seniors raid the medicine cabinet to get high.

The CDC has released the data from its National Risk Behavioral Survey results, taken from the 2009 survey. This survey is administered to a random group of high school students (grade 9 to 12) across the country once every 2 years

Amongst the results:

28.3% of students had ridden in a car with a driver who had been drinking alcohol within 30 days of being asked

17.5% of the students admitted to carrying a weapon at least once in the 30 days preceding the questionnaire (5.9% admitted to carrying a gun over that same time period)

46.3% of students had tried smoking tobacco at least once, 72.5% had tried alcohol at least once and 41.8% had drank alcohol at least once in the month preceding the questionnaire

24.2% had binge drank at least once in the month preceding the questionnaire

36.8% of the students had tried marijuana at least once and 20.8% had used it with the month

11.7% had sniffed an inhalant to get high at least once, 2.8% had tried cocaine at least once and 4.1% had used methamphetamine at least once

20% of students had misused prescription medications to get high.

Read the full results at the CDC’s National Youth Risk Behaviors Survey Overview

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