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Fairbanks Mayor to Ban Malt Liquor in Certain Parts of Town

Fairbanks Mayor to Ban Malt Liquor in Certain Parts of Town
© Photo: Crossfirecw
Faced with problem levels of public intoxication, Fairbanks Mayor Terry Strel is banning the sale of Malt Liquor in problem areas.

The mayor of Fairbanks Alaska, Terry Strle, has had enough of a familiar sight in certain parts of town – the sight of a drunken person swilling a bottle of malt liquor, in public.

He has proposed to disperse the problem by banning the sale of these "problematic" types of alcohol within certain trouble areas, and he has the support of Fairbanks Police Chief Dan Hoffman, who says that "Fairbanks has a significant problem with chronic inebriation."

Hoffman has said that he would also support any programs that not only got alcoholics off the streets, but also got them into a substance abuse treatment program. The committee to be formed to address the alcohol problem will start with only increasing regulation on the sale of certain drinks.

Strle has promised that the idea will not receive any additional municipal funding unless the committee determines that the program is working.

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