Danielle Hill

Danielle Hill

Anaheim, CA, USA
Signed Up:
11 years ago
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My Story
“Im an LVN who hav=d a long term peds patient. I already had panic disorder but when my patient got put on hospce I couldnt dea. He was 14 and the first death Ive ever seen. I was I complete under alcoholic mess for a year after that and then I started taking more of my meds than I should have couse I couldnt make th feeling go I away I fee like part of me has died inside..I would like to start back to work but I dont current trust myself around med carts. Also on 11/8 I was so painfully sad I downed a handful of ativan and two droppers of morphoine. Please help
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  • 1
    05:48 - Dec 14, 2012 Local Depression Treatment

    Helloe Ive read the page about depression but Im not sure this facility treats it. Im looking for something in Orange country to treat my severe panic disorder and depression. It s gotten so bad that ive turn to prescription drugs and alcdhohol to ...

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