Sheena Shilton

Sheena Shilton

Drug & Alcohol Counselor/Therapist, RP, CAC II
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Shilton Therapy
361 Queen St.
Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada

Treatment Offered

Therapy Orientation:
Family/Marital Therapy, Coaching, Psychoanalytic, Cognitive Behavioral (CBT), Relational Therapy
Age Focus:
Teenagers, Adults
Anger Management, Gay Lesbian Issues, Anxiety or Fears, Divorce, Addiction or Substance Abuse, Thinking Disorders, Trauma and PTSD, Domestic Abuse or Domestic Violence, Chronic Pain or Illness, ADHD, Women, Eating Disorders, Depression, Finding Your Purpose in Life
Treatment Modality:
Couples, Individuals, Families
Sexual Orientation:
Any Orientation
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Life Is Worth Living Because...
“every life is worth, everthing!”
About My Work
“The goals of Shilton Therapy are to help to achieve a common goal in relationships, work, mental health, addictions and the impact of these in daily life.

Shilton Therapy is committed to helping achieve a balance in daily life, with overcoming hardships and unforeseen circumstances, through a therapeutic process.

The work explored in sessions involves aiding individuals in solving their real-life problems and teaching them to modify their distorted thinking, dysfunctional behavior, and distressing affect. Shilton Therapy treatments are on the basis of a motivational formulation of clients’ concerns and an ongoing individualized cognitive conceptualization of clients and their difficulties. A developmental framework is used to understand how life events and experiences led to the development of core beliefs, underlying assumptions, and coping strategies, particularly in clients with mental health concerns and addictions.”
My Story
“I have been working in mental health and addiction for over 10 years. The struggles that MH and addictions provide for individuals and families is overwhelming; to see the change and growth all can do is the enjoyment of this profession.”
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Years in Practice: 10+ Years

Remote Therapy

Phone Counseling: Yes
Online Counseling: Yes
Technologies: FaceTime

Please use the contact form on this page to find out more about the provider's remote therapy options

Cost & Payment Modalities

Accepts Credit Cards: Yes
Online Payments accepted: Yes

Please verify costs and payment modalities before you arrange your first visit

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