

cantonment, FL, USA
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12 years ago
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Life Is Worth Living Because...
“i have 3 kids and my dad....”
My Story
“i have been on zanax for 8 years,i am down to 1 mg.a day,i am out and starting my first day of withdraw,i already feel numb and i taste the zanax in my mouth and sorta blurred vision.my body is aching all over.i had withdrawn cold turkey 2 years ago and totally flipped out,hallucinations,hearing things dizzzy,couldnt sleep o eat.i am a heart patient and have had 2 heart attacks.i cant remember alot of the flipout but i woke up in a mental hospital for 3 days.for the first 2 days i couldnt even remember my name.i am starting a withdrw again and i dont want to go through the same thing again.i am very terrified.the doctor says i am ready to come off them but i think i need a lil more time.what should i do?and how can i keep myself from going through this flip out again?i have depressive thoughts ,and feel hopless.i dont know if i can do it,although i do not want any more zanax,it makes me feel terrible.like a robot.any body got any advice?”
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