Rick Bronis

Rick Bronis

Drug & Alcohol Counselor/Therapist
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22 San Marino Drive
Miami Beach, FL, USA 33139

Treatment Offered

Therapy Orientation:
Family Systems Therapy, Coaching, Interpersonal, Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Any Orientation
Age Focus:
Any age
Anger Management, Testing/Assessment, Life Coaching, Addiction or Substance Abuse, Spirituality, Anxiety or Fears, Relationship Issues
Treatment Modality:
Individuals, Families, Groups
Any Ethnicity
Sexual Orientation:
Any Orientation
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Life Is Worth Living Because...
“There is such an easier softer way to life. To find true joy and happiness through sobriety is a gift no one should not have a chance too experience!”
About My Work
“My work in the field of recovery includes Interventions to try and help people in need a chance to enter a facility and hopefully get the help they need. I also continue working with them when they leave the facility following up with case management work and helping them continue on this new path to a much better way of living there life!
Having had my life torn apart because of my abuse with alcohol and drugs and having found a way out I am very motivated to pass along and help the suffering addict find the love and joy I have found through recovery!!!”
My Story
“I was born and raised in Miami Florida. Having been a child of the 60’s and 70’s I have had plenty of experience with the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol as an adolescent and that continued into my adult life as well. These issues would follow me for many years to come. Despite this I was able to run a successful retail clothing business for many years despite my substance abuse however it would eventually take its toll on me personally as well as professionally.
In 2005, and for the past 12 years I has been living my life as a sober man! Having found a much easier softer way of living I have been given the gift of sobriety! For the past 4 years I have been working professionally in the field of recovery. As an Interventionist as well as intense Crisis Case Management. I also have been providing service as a sober companion, sober coach, handling safe transportation for clients too and from rehabilitation facilities. Nothing in this world gives me greater pleasure and fulfillment than helping and watching someone in the throes of addiction get the help they need and hopefully desire, and then to see the transformation back to a normal, healthy and happy life.”
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Years in Practice: 10+ Years
Other Credentials: Certificate, Certified Case Management and Intervention (CCMI), CCMI, 2012

Remote Therapy

Phone Counseling: Yes

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