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Problems of Narcotics Anonymous

Every addict is different. People have different views and needs. NA's spiritual component, its approach to addiction as a disease, and the size of some meetings have been a stumbling block to recovery for some.

NA is not for everyone

Because better drug treatment programs offer diverse programming knowing that every addict has unique and varied needs, even if the Narcotics Anonymous meetings as offered within a drug treatment program do not prove resonant or effective, there is hopefully another therapy or peer support group that does.

For many, one of the largest stumbling blocks to success within the 12 steps program is the spiritual component of recovery. To correctly work the 12 steps, recovering addicts need to accept guidance from a higher power, and although this higher power need not be God in the traditional sense, some people cannot benefit from a program that requires a Faith that is not authentically felt or believed.

Some people do not enjoy the size of the meetings, and some people feel uncomfortable with the philosophy of addiction as a disease. Narcotics Anonymous in drug treatment will not offer recovery assistance to everyone, but it does offer hope and support to enough people to make it a valued addition to any comprehensive drug treatment environment.

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