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Training with you

  • Jennifer Hamilton Asks ...
    Jennifer Hamilton

    I read about your methods on your web site. I am a clinician who specializes in co-occurring disorders. I bought your book for my kindle pc, but unfortunately have been unable to download it yet due to technical problems with my computer. Can you tell me what I can expect if i do training with you? I was overweight until I made a major lifestyle change following my first child's birth. I stayed at a very healthy weight after having three more children. I had a major food relapse while my father was sick and dying. I then had my fifth child. I have carried 30 to 50 extra pounds for the last six years. What if I train with you and I fail?

  • William Anderson Says ...
    William Anderson

    We should have a talk on the phone. Therapists first go through the training we have the clients do, then they start working with their own clients. I will personally walk you through the whole experience. I’ve been doing this a while and it works very well.

    As far as failing, I am the biggest failure you'll ever meet. I did 25 years of trying and failing before I learned what I teach. I’ve discovered a way even failures like me can succeed with. Your experience with weight gain is very typical, exactly the thing we work to correct. Don’t worry about failing. Learning how to recover from mistakes is a big part of success. We don't try to be perfect, just successful. Perfection is not required. Success is good enough, and everyone learns how and actually experiences it. I've never had a person go through the training and not lose weight.

    Call and leave a voicemail or email me to set up a time to talk and we'll go from there. My email and phone number are on the website's media page as the media contact.


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